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Frequently Asked Implanon/Nexplanon Questions

Implanon/Nexplanon QuestionsNexplanon is a form of contraceptive that is placed in a capsule and inserted under the skin of the upper arm and protects you from becoming pregnant for three years. It is a hormone that is close to, but not exactly the same as the natural hormone that is made by your body in the second half of your menstrual cycle.

It works by preventing ovulation so that an egg is not released by the ovary during your monthly cycle. With no egg to be fertilized, pregnancy cannot occur. It also causes changes in the cervical mucus that interferes with sperm reaching the egg. There are some occasions when neither of these actions prevent fertilization of the ovum (egg).

Most of the time when this occurs, the fertilized egg is prevented from implanting in the uterus because the birth control hormones change the lining of the uterus so that it rejects the fertilized egg.

Who can use Nexplanon?
Almost any healthy woman who wants effective birth control that prevents pregnancy 99% of the time can use Implanon/Nexplanon. This is a good option for women who cannot take estrogen. It is best for women who are in a monogamous (one partner) relationship, as it does not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Nexplanon can be used by women who are nursing. It is recommended that women wait six weeks following delivery to receive Nexplanon if they are nursing.
Who should not take Implanon/Nexplanon?

You should not use Implanon/Nexplanon if you:

  • Think you might be pregnant or are considering pregnancy in the near future
  • Have abnormal vaginal bleeding without a medical diagnosis
  • Have had cancer of the breast or other female organs
  • Have active liver disease
  • Have a history of depression
What are the risks of Nexplanon?
Nexplanon can be difficult to remove secondary to scarring around the capsule.
What are the side effects of Nexplanon?
Side effects are similar to those in women taking other hormonal methods of birth control. These include irregular bleeding, lack of periods, weight gain, headaches, dizziness, abdominal pain, acne, nausea, breast tenderness, and lower sex drive.
What are the advantages of Nexplanon?
  • Very effective at preventing pregnancy
  • Nothing extra to do before intercourse
What are the disadvantages of Nexplanon?
  • Has to be placed in the arm by a health care provider
  • Side effects as mentioned above
  • May be difficult to remove
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted disease

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