Moreland OB-GYN Blog

60+ Positive Affirmations for Women

Written by Moreland OB-GYN | Aug 6, 2020 3:00:00 PM

At Moreland OB-GYN, we understand one of the most important parts of our job is helping women realize how strong, powerful, and brave they are in everyday life.

Below, we discuss the power of positive affirmations and outline 60+ of our favorite affirmations for women. We also provide tips on creating personalized affirmations and strategies for incorporating affirmations into your everyday life.

Welcome to the world of positivity and empowerment!   

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Women navigate various roles and responsibilities. Daily stressors and societal expectations can often make women feel like they are failing, leading them to fall into a pattern of negative self-talk. These negative thoughts can lead to a destructive mindset that can damage self-esteem and self-worth. 

Positive affirmations are positive phrases and statements that are repeated to help challenge these negative thoughts and encourage positive thoughts and changes in your life. When you consistently tell yourself positive things, you are reprogramming your brain to focus on the good rather than the negative. This shift in mindset can lead to reduced stress, increased resilience, and improved mental well-being and self-esteem.

From motivation to self-esteem, finding joy in the little things, or removing negative self-talk, positive affirmations help individuals learn to see the positive side of life! 

How Do Positive Affirmations Work?

Using positive affirmations to change your thought patterns requires regular practice. Try choosing one or two positive affirmations and reading them when you wake up, regularly throughout the day, and again before bedtime. Make positive thoughts a part of your everyday routine! Change your affirmations to match your life circumstances or master new positive thinking skills.

Positive Affirmations for Women

Positive thinking starts with you. Use our lists below to build daily affirmations to improve your outlook on life and hone new positive thoughts and habits. From fostering self-love and confidence to promoting positive self-talk, these affirmations aim to uplift spirits and nurture a mindset of love and resilience!

Confidence and Self Love

I am full of energy and optimism. I am ready to find joy.

Today is the day for change.

I can overcome negative thoughts and situations. I choose positive!

I have been given many talents. Today I will use them.

I possess the qualities I need to be successful.

I am worth it.

I will be present. I will be positive.

I am courageous, and I stand up for myself.

Today I am thankful for new experiences.


I will honor my need to rest and recharge.

I am committed to finding ‘me’ time today.

I embrace my best self today.

I choose to live in a way that will bring peace, joy, and happiness to myself and others.

I choose to let go of the old. My new path is before me. Today, my new life begins!

I persevere. I am relentless. I keep going.

I have released all my negative thoughts and replaced them with positive ones.

Today is the beginning of whatever I want.

Healthy Living

My body deserves to be taken care of, so I feed it nourishing food and energizing exercise.

I am healthy, happy, and radiant.

I have abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.

I am filled with energy for all the daily activities in my life.

I love to smile; it is my gift to the world.

My body is healthy. My mind is healthy. I am ready to start the day!

I radiate positive energy and vitality.

Building Positive Thoughts

I will not worry about tomorrow. First, I will enjoy this day before me.

Times may be difficult, but it is a short phase of life. Things can get better. Things will get better.

Challenge helps us grow stronger and makes us tougher in the face of the next challenge.

I have the power to change my story.

I choose to respond to this challenge with grace and positivity.

I choose positivity. I choose happiness. I see both all around me.

I am grateful for the lessons I will learn today. I am grateful for learning new skills.


I love and accept my body completely.

My baby is safe and loved.

My baby is growing strong and healthy.

My baby will be born healthy and at the perfect time.

I feel stronger every day and the choices I am making are helping my baby grow strong, too.

I can do this. I am confident.

It is worth the wait.

Newborn Parenting

I am able to overcome any challenges that come my way.

I make time for myself every day.

I love and approve of myself.

I am well prepared for any situation.

My baby needs me to be strong and brave.

It’s only a phase. It will pass.

Moms and Caregivers

I always do my best to care for my _________.

I love myself. When I make a mistake, I forgive myself and others.

Just as the needs of my children matter, so do my own.

I trust my intuition to make intentional parenting choices and decisions.

I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom, so I don’t need to compare myself to others.

I am learning to be a better mother with each new day.

Today I will notice the positive aspects of motherhood.

I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it unfolds with grace and positivity.

I deserve time for myself and can attend to my own emotional, physical, and spiritual needs without guilt or apology.

I am doing the best I can do.

I need to give myself credit for what I do every day.

It takes a very strong person to do what I do, and I should be proud of myself.

I am patient. I am present. I am positive.

Staying Strong and Fit

I love feeling fit and strong. I choose to eat well and exercise regularly to fuel my body.

Finding new ways to eat healthily is empowering and puts me in control.

My body is one of the most precious gifts I will ever receive. I will take care of it.

I am grateful for my body. I will treat it with love and respect.

Today my body will become stronger.

My mind is focused and ready to get in shape.

I am strong, confident, and motivated.

Joy and Happiness

Happiness is everywhere I choose to see it.

I choose to be happy and grateful today.

My future is full of light and laughter.

I am at peace with my past.

I have all the happiness, love, and positive energy I need to have the most amazing day.

Don’t ruin a good today by thinking about a bad day yesterday.

Let it go.

I’m going to make the rest of my life the best of my life.

I accept happiness into every moment of the day.

I am worthy of feeling happy.

My happiness comes from within me.

I create my happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love.

I see so many positives in my life.

I will find joy in everything I do.

I feel happy today. I will share my happiness with others.

Following my joy reveals the path to my best life.

I am meant to live a happy life.

I am willing to find happiness in each moment.

My happiness is reflected back to me in everything I attract.

My inner joy is the source of all the good in my life.

Moreland OB-GYN is proud to be your trusted resource, empowering you to live your healthiest and best life. Check out our full list of self-care resources here!

How to Create Personalized Positive Affirmations

General affirmations can be effective, but crafting personalized positive affirmations allows you to tailor statements to your unique goals and challenges. Creating affirmations that resonate with your experiences can make them more meaningful and impactful.

Below are tips on how you can create personal positive affirmations:

  • Reflect on personal goals and challenges, including career, relationships, self-confidence, or specific life aspects requiring focus. Make your affirmations specific to these goals and challenges. 

  • Identify negative thoughts and transform them into positive, affirming statements. For example, if you struggle with self-doubt at work, turn it into an affirmation like "I am confident and capable in my professional abilities."

  • Don’t overthink it, and keep your positive affirmations short and simple. Don’t worry about how they’ll come true; focus on visualizing yourself embodying the positive outcomes described in each statement.

How to Incorporate Positive Affirmations into Your Routine

  • Start Your Day with Affirmations: Begin your day by reciting positive affirmations. Reciting affirmations sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. 

  • Use Affirmations Throughout the Day: Incorporate affirmations into various activities, such as during breaks at work or before important meetings. Incorporating affirmations reinforces positive thinking.

  • Create Affirmation Cards: Write down your favorite affirmations on small cards or Post-its and keep them where you'll see them regularly, such as your desk, mirror, or wallet.

  • Combine Affirmations with Visualization: As you repeat affirmations, visualize the positive outcomes you are affirming. Visualizing the positive outcomes enhances the impact and makes the affirmations more powerful.

  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Make positive affirmations a daily practice to experience their full benefits. If saying your affirmations out loud feels uncomfortable (to the point of discouragement), find something that works for you, like writing them down or recording them and playing them back.


As you review these positive affirmations, we hope you realize what a wonderful person you are and how your choices can bring joy to so many people. Our entire Moreland OB-GYN team wishes you a happy, healthy, and positive mindset.

At Moreland OB-GYN, we specialize in women's healthcare and always prioritize the needs of our patients. Our team is a trusted source of information. From new gynecology consultations to pregnancy, surgery, menopause, and beyond, Moreland’s team of dedicated medical professionals believes in leading women to better health.

Connect with us and schedule an appointment today!

Join our online community of Waukesha-area moms on Facebook! Get advice, ideas, and encouragement as you begin and continue the best journey of all - motherhood. View our 'Moreland Moms' Facebook group with over 1,000 moms and moms-to-be.