Sterilization is a surgical procedure that causes you to be unable to have a pregnancy. Female sterilization involves blocking the fallopian tubes to prevent an egg from being fertilized and male sterilization blocks the vas deferens so that no sperm can be released. Sterilization is considered to be permanent and irreversible. Sterilization is very effective at preventing pregnancy, but like any method has a small failure rate.
One type of female sterilization is called a tubal ligation. In this procedure, the fallopian tubes are obstructed by one of several methods. These can include cutting, burning, or clamping the fallopian tubes. The procedure is performed in an operating room with general anesthesia. It is usually a same-day procedure but is sometimes done during the same admission when you are delivering a baby. In this case, it is called a postpartum tubal ligation. It is effective immediately. A mature egg is still released each month, but it will not be available to the sperm for fertilization. You should still have monthly periods and your natural hormones will not be changed by the surgery.
Tying the male’s vas deferens does not change the flow of male hormones and does not change the sex drive, ejaculations, or sexual feelings.
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